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IELTS Listening

Time: Approximately 09 minutes


  • Answer all the questions.
  • You can change your answers at any time during the test.


  • There are 10 questions in this test.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • There are four parts to the test.
  • Please note you will only hear each part once in your actual test. However for familiarisation and practice purposes, this familiarisation test will allow you to listen to each recording multiple times.
  • For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.

Do not click 'Start test' until you are told to do so.

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IELTS Listening Part 4

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Animal Perceptions

  • Insects

    Mosquitoes can smell
  • Some beetle larvae can recognise the smell of
  • Bees use their
    to help them sting.
  • Queen bees use scents to
    the hive.
  • attract the opposite sex with their smell.
  • Bumblebees have something in their
    to detect the magnetic field of the Earth.
  • Other animals

    Snakes identify the
    of a mouse's body.
  • Eagles and owls can recognise the
    of their prey.
  • Dogs can distinguish 220 kinds of smells and use their
    to find the food.
  • Dolphins, whales and bats measure the
    of the objects.


Question Your Answer Correct Answer
31 carbon dioxide/CO2
32 vine
33 legs
34 control
35 Butterflies
36 stomatch
37 heat
38 body shape
39 tongue
40 distance


We all know human beings are equipped with five basic perceptions.

These senses that we have are fundamental to our thinking and understanding.

The animal world puts humans to shame though.

Some animals not only have senses humans also possess, but they sense the world in entirely different ways.

Ever wonder how mosquitoes find you in the dark?

The truth is that they can not only see you but also smell the carbon dioxide you breathe out.

That's how they find a living and breathing host, even when it's completely dark.

For many animals, it is their nose that helps them survive.

For example, beetle larvae possess sharp sense of smell, they can seek out odor of vine grass from quite a distance.

This grass is an excellent source of food for these larvae.

When you walk in a garden in spring, you can see honey bees busy collecting pollen from flowers.

When they are faced with danger, they locate their enemy by using their legs and sting it accurately.

They hardly ever miss.

So next time when you walk in the garden, stay away from the bees if you don't want to be in trouble.

Unlike the worker bees, a queen bee is the heart and the soul of a honey bee colony.

A good quality queen means a strong and productive hive.

Apart from laying lots of eggs, the queen's primary purpose is to produce chemical scents that help control the honeybee hive.

So, these chemical scents can convey important messages for other bees.

When there's good order in the beehive, it can grow strong and powerful.

Some other insects also make good use of their chemical scents.

Some use it in their mating. Some butterflies can release a scent which can attract the opposite sex.

This is similar to the use of perfume by humans to increase their charisma.

Of course, insects also use other tricks, such as flapping their wings or having their wings wide open.

We can use technology to navigate, like the use of GPS.

Insects can navigate themselves using a variety of information and one of those sources seems to rest inside their body.

For instance, bumblebees have a small ring of magnetite particles inside their stomach which can detect the magnetic field of the Earth and help them define its location and find its way.

This is quite a sophisticated technique, isn't it?

A snake is a very skilled predator.

There are pits on its head which can detect heat coming from a warm-blooded prey such as a mouse, even if they are meters away.

This skill allows them to hunt in the dark with enough precision and speed.

Even with tiny patches covering its eyes, a snake can show the ability to kill its prey accurately.

Other predators may depend on a very good sight Eagles, for example, can recognize the body shape of a mouse or a rabbit from more than one hundred meters away in the sky.

Owls also possess the same ability and even have a good vision in the darkness to allow them to hunt.

What about man's best friend?

According to the statistics, dogs have the ability to tell the differences between 220 kinds of smells.

But they have more than just a nose to help them find food, their tongue is very sensitive too, which helps them track food from over several meters away.

Dolphins, whales, and bats navigate and track prey using echo location.

This is a very advanced form of hearing that allows them to "see" their surroundings by listening to and analyzing the way sound reflects off objects in their environment.

Echolocation in these animals is the use of high-pitched pulses of sound and listening for the return of that pulse to calculate the distance of objects in their environment.

So, they can find their prey in the dark nights, too.

So, we can see that many animals possess super abilities far beyond our reach. This lecture is to bring forward the wonderful traits that make each animal special and unique.

We should respect animals.

They too deserve a chance to live with equal dignity, just like humans.